Minggu, 28 Januari 2024

For travelers who want to travel, please avoid Indonesia as your first destination, especially Bali


For travelers who want to travel, please avoid Indonesia as your first destination, especially Bali.

Bali, which is famous throughout the world as a beautiful place, is not actually the case, it is very dirty, there is rubbish and traffic jams everywhere.

Who doesn't know Indonesia, a country known for having the highest crime rate in the world, with its residents known for their hobby of fighting with each other both offline and online.

1. My friend is a Chinese woman, born in Indonesia but until now she is still considered a foreigner.

2. My Chinese friend has been bullied since she was little girl by natives, saying that she was the one who colonized their country, Indonesia.

3. My Chinese friend opens a business in Bali, every day she is terrorized and threatened by the natives there.

- Threatened black magic her if she didn't give away the goods she was selling for free

- Threatened that her business would be burned down if she didn't give away the goods she was selling for free

- her face was thrown the regulator by the native when native returned the regulator for illogical reasons, native said that the regulator she sold was damaged, after checking it turned out the regulator was good.

- Native threatened with a knife if she didn't give away the goods she was selling for free

-Native says his family is the police to avoid paying for the goods she sells.

- Every day natives come in droves to steal the goods she sells and this makes her business go bankrupt.

Who said that Bali is heaven? For my friend Bali is Hell. So if you want to travel or invest in Indonesia, especially Bali, think again.

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