Senin, 15 April 2024


  Setiap Manusia di dunia ini terlepas dari baik buruknya sifat mereka, sudahlah tentu mereka dilahirkan ke bumi adalah berpasang-pasangan, Jadi jika anda sampai saat ini belum juga menemukan pasanganmu, tentu itu bukan rancangan Tuhan, mungkin itu rancangan Teman-teman anda yang sirik dan ingin menjahilimu dengan santet gantung jodoh, Berikut saya akan memberikan cara mengobati santet Gantung Jodoh :

1. Membaca kitab sucimu 1000x sehari, sampai kamu menemukan jodohmu.

2. Sore hari ambil tujuh bunga merah yang tidak berduri, masukkan dalam mangkok kaca yang bening, kemudian isi air yang mengalir langsung dari keran, taruh di altar diamkan sampai pagi, 

Kemudian di pagi hari ambil mangkok kaca bening, isikan air dan taburkan garam secukupnya, aduk 7 putaran sambil berdoa agar dipertemukan dengan jodohmu, baru siramkan air garam itu ke kepala hingga kena kaki.

Lanjutkan dengan mandi pakai sabun dan air biasa kemudian ambil air bunga yang semalam kau letakkan di atas altar, aduk 7 putaran sambil berdoa semoga dipertemukan dengan jodohmu. 

Siramkan air tujuh bunga merah itu ke kepala hingga mengenai ujung kakimu , lakukan nomor 2 ini setiap Jumat, semua mandi Mandian harus dimulai dari kepala sampai kena ujung  kaki, hindari melakukannya dari kaki ke kepala. Lakukan sampai kamu menemukan jodohmu.

3. Minum segelas air matang ditambah kunyit yang di parut kemudian saring, lebih mantap jika tidak direbus lagi, lakukan ini dua kali sebulan, untuk wanita bisa lakukan ini sebelum dan sesudah haid sampai kamu menemukan jodohmu. Sebelum minum baca doa agar dipertemukan dengan jodoh idaman mu.

4. Hindari sharing masalah kamu pada family dan teman-teman, bisa jadi mereka salah satu pelaku santetnya, 

5. Stop memberikan atau meminjamkan barang barang pribadimu pada family atau Kawan kawan, lebih baik memberikannya pada panti asuhan.

6. Minumlah air kelapa yang kulitnya berwarna oranye, minum sebulan sekali.

7. Pergilah dari negaramu, menetap di negara lain selama satu tahun cukup untuk membebaskan mu dari santet gantung jodoh itu , ini adalah cara yang paling ampuh dan terbukti banyak kawan saya yang usia 40 tahun lebih, mendapatkan jodoh setelah menetap di luar negeri.

8. Jika Anda menemukan jodohmu, akan lebih baik jika merahasiakannya pada family dan teman-temanmu untuk mengantisipasi kegagalan ke jenjang pernikahan. Menikah secara diam-diam adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk menghindari orang yang mengirimimu santet jodoh itu tidak mengupgrade santetnya ke level yang lebih tinggi.



Kamis, 08 Februari 2024

giveaway fraud carried out by Batiste dry shampoo Malaysia on Instagram.


giveaway fraud carried out by Batiste dry shampoo Malaysia on Instagram.Batiste Dry Shampoo Malaysia has disappointed its 2900 followers in a giveaway they held on January 3, 2023.

on his Instagram he posted "be a part of us #batistebae like and follow @officialbatistemy 500 participants to win xxl volume newly launched"

Not only that, they also advertised the post on Instagram and it appeared on many people's profiles so the post got 621 comments.

on February 8 my official batiste posted "congratulations to our 500 winners! check out your DM Now! newly launched"

but among the 621 who commented, not a single one said they accepted DM as the winner. What's amazing is that those who didn't comment admitted that they accepted DM as the winner and that was no more than 10.

Cetaphil customer was disappointed to redeem 13 prizes but he only received 12

 I have interviewed one Cetaphil customer who was very disappointed.

in 2023 I have redeemed a total of 13 prizes, by cetaphil the 13 prizes were made into 1 package per 1 address, but we only received 12, I have sent an email to foo choo seong but there was no response.

One prize that we redeemed, namely Cetaphil Baby Moisturizing Bath & Wash 400 mL, was not in the package, we should have received 13 prizes as follows:

2 Cetaphil Baby Wash and Shampoo 50 mL

1 Cetaphil Baby Shampoo 200 mL

4 Cetaphil Baby Moisturizing Bath & Wash 400 mL

4 Cetaphil Baby Gentle Wash & Shampoo 400 mL!

2 Cetaphil Baby Diaper Cream7 0g!

Please review where is our prize? whether the company forgot to send or the courier took our rights.

I was very disappointed and influenced all my family and friends to no longer use cetaphil and replace it with other baby products.

Kamis, 01 Februari 2024

Ulike Singapore Scammer

 Nowadays, who doesn't want to be an influencer on social media? All young girls dream of having lots of followers and becoming an influencer.

But be careful if you receive a campaign on Facebook because almost all campaigns shared on Facebook are fraudulent.

The following is our interview with Liu Tsai Qin, a famous influencer in Malaysia.

Yes, I was fooled by a woman named Yeleng, I knew her name from her WhatsApp profile, she WhatsApped me and invited me to the WhatsApp group.

She said this was about a very easy campaign, just upload the video provided by Ulike Singapore and get paid RM50.

But after I uploaded it, instead of paying me, this evil woman asked me to add Chinese New Year music to the video I had uploaded, of course that was impossible.

A few days later, this evil woman asked me to accept a paid partnership permit from Ulike Singapore, of course I didn't want to because the RM50 was only for uploading videos, if there was anything extra of course there would also be an additional fee.

It's common for bad guys to avoid making payments, so be careful.

#ulikesingaporescammer #youthstodayscammer #partipostmyscammmer #tnbscammer #homiemalysiascammer

Senin, 29 Januari 2024

Kasual And Sexy

Musim panas datang, make up pun terpengaruh gaya pantai yang kasual dan sexy. Warna-warna metalik berefek 'sun kissed' terlihat marak pada pekan mode musim semi/panas 2023.

Di awal 2022 ini trend make up kembali diwarnai warna wama metalik. Warna warna heavy metal seperti perunggu, emas, perak dan tembaga terlihat banyak digunakan. Baik untuk riasan mata, Mushe maupun sekedar highlighter, warna-warna bernuansa shimmery ini memang dinilai ampuh Benjolkan four wajah yang diandalkan. 

Apalagi pada musim panas, bronzer dapat digunakan untuk menonjolkan sun kissed look yang memang tengah menjadi trend. Lupakan sapuan warna hitam kelam yang mengingatkan gaya riasan musim gugur lalu. Sebaliknya pilih warna warna metalik untuk dibaurkan di sekeliling garis mata. Untuk membingkai mata, eye liner warna hitam diperbolehkan untuk bermain" pada sudut luar mata saja.

 Jenuh dengan warna hitam? Sekali kali kenakan eyeliner berwarna biru, ungu atau hijau pada bagian bawah garis mata. Mata akan tampak lebih hidup.

Wavy and Messy

 Lupakan gaya rambut ekstra lurus, tinggalkan pula sisir andalan. Kini giliran jari jemari Anda membentuk dan memberi volume pada tatanan rambut Anda.

Soal rambut, untuk tahun 2022 ini gaya rambut yang diprediksikan menjadi in justru menyerukan' er rambut terlihat messy. Tapi meski berantakan, tetap saja kesan sexy harus ditampilkan. Jadi tak heran jika dilakukan usaha ekstra untuk menampilkan kesan messy ini. 

Volume menjadi unsur yang sangat penting. Anda bisa mendapatkannya dengan menyemprotkan voluminizing spray pada akar rambut yang setengah kering, lalu keringkan rambut dengan hair dryer. Hindari penggunaan sisir yang dapat membuat, rambut terlihat terlalu rapi. 

Setelah itu, agar rambut terlihat lebih mengkilat dan hidup, pilah-pilah rambut dengan menggunakan texturizing paste. Pada bad hair days, cobalah untuk mengangkat rambut mbentuk sanggul acak, tambahkan hiasan jepit sebagai pemanis. Namun apabila terbelenggu padatnya jadwal kegiatan, cukup ikat rambut dengan gaya pig tail atau pony tail Disangka belum menyiur? Tak perlu khawatir, sebab meskipun messy Anda akan tetap terlihat sexy.

Minggu, 28 Januari 2024

For travelers who want to travel, please avoid Indonesia as your first destination, especially Bali


For travelers who want to travel, please avoid Indonesia as your first destination, especially Bali.

Bali, which is famous throughout the world as a beautiful place, is not actually the case, it is very dirty, there is rubbish and traffic jams everywhere.

Who doesn't know Indonesia, a country known for having the highest crime rate in the world, with its residents known for their hobby of fighting with each other both offline and online.

1. My friend is a Chinese woman, born in Indonesia but until now she is still considered a foreigner.

2. My Chinese friend has been bullied since she was little girl by natives, saying that she was the one who colonized their country, Indonesia.

3. My Chinese friend opens a business in Bali, every day she is terrorized and threatened by the natives there.

- Threatened black magic her if she didn't give away the goods she was selling for free

- Threatened that her business would be burned down if she didn't give away the goods she was selling for free

- her face was thrown the regulator by the native when native returned the regulator for illogical reasons, native said that the regulator she sold was damaged, after checking it turned out the regulator was good.

- Native threatened with a knife if she didn't give away the goods she was selling for free

-Native says his family is the police to avoid paying for the goods she sells.

- Every day natives come in droves to steal the goods she sells and this makes her business go bankrupt.

Who said that Bali is heaven? For my friend Bali is Hell. So if you want to travel or invest in Indonesia, especially Bali, think again.

What you should prepare for the GREAT SALE 

 What you should prepare for the GREAT SALE • season.

Satu bulan Midnite SALE, diskon besar-besaran di hampir setiap pusat perbelanjaan!!! Yuk, mari!!

apa Anda warga ibukota Jakarta, pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan yang namanya Jakarta Great Sale. Yup event tahunan yang biasanya dimulai dari  pertengahan bulan Juni hingga bulan Juli ini biasa digelar hampir semua pusat perbelanjaan di kota Jakarta.

Dan untuk Anda yang hobby berbelanja bersiaplah untuk menemukan dan mendapatkan barang barang yang Anda incar selama ini. Tapi sebelum memulai pencarian tersebut, mungkin ada baiknya Anda memperhatikan beberapa tips berikut

1 Good Hairstyle Good Mood

Tahu dong bagaimana rasanya bad hair day. Nah biar mood selalu OK sama shopping pastikan tatanan rambut Anda akan bikin Anda PD seharian untuk jalan-jalan keliling pusat perbelanjaan, Biar lebih pd lagi gunakan selalu Styling Cream yang akan senantiasa menjaga tatanan rambut Anda selalu OK

2 Casual

Pilihlah baju yang nyaman dan gak ribet, Ingat Anda mungkin akan berkali kali masuk ruang ganti untuk mencoba pakalan Simple short dress atau short and t-shin, why not?

3. Hat shoes or Snicker

Bicara soal nyaman, pastikan juga sepatu atau sandal yang akan Anda kenakan tidak akan mencederai kaki indah Anda Yang namanya berbelanja, pasti akan membuat Anda lupa waktu bukan?

4. More Water

Asik belanja boleh saja tapi juga kesehatan penting, karenanya pastikan selalu ada botol air minum dalam tas Anda, jangan sampai Anda dehidrasi seharian lupa minum

5 Watch your Bag

Sesuaikanlah tas Anda dengan gaya berpakaian pilihlah tas yang kiranya tidak akan merepitkan anda dan gunakanlah tas yang tidak cepat membuat bahu ataupun tangan anda leĺah.

My restaurant has become increasingly busy with customers since using influencer services


A restaurant owner in Melaka admitted that his business was very quiet, in one day only one customer came, sometimes there were no customers at all.

Then he met a man who was eating at his restaurant, they had a very friendly conversation.

The restaurant owner said that his restaurant business was very slow, then the man suggested using the services of influencers to advertise his restaurant.

The restaurant owner started searching on Google to find the right influencer to advertise his restaurant and found the name of the influencer .Liu tsai_qin

He then contacted the influencer via Instagram DM, expressing his wishes.

"At first I was hesitant to use this influencer's services, this influencer asked me to send him some of the best dishes from my restaurant and send a video/photo of the name of my restaurant.

A few days later my restaurant was suddenly busy with visitors. Liu tsai_qin didn't even ask for a cent, instead she prayed that my restaurant would be busier but I wasn't comfortable if I didn't pay her so I transferred RM500."

Kamis, 25 Januari 2024

Liu Tsai_qin, a famous influencer in Malaysia, admitted that she was scammed by Homi Malaysia

Liu Tsai_qin, a well-known influencer in Malaysia, admitted that she had been lied to by many influencer marketers, many brands and people who claimed to be influencer agents such as Homi Malaysia.

Yes HomiMalaysia didn't pay me RM150 after I finished the campaign, at that time Homi Malaysia contacted me via Instagram DM stating that he wanted to collaborate with me, he would send me his product, a vacuum cleaner.

He asked me to make 13 videos without editing, after I finished all the videos, he didn't pay me for the videos I sent, until this news came out, my videos were still on his Instagram account @homimalaysia

The Video

I leave all this to God, I believe that a business full of fraud like what Homi Malaysia is doing will not last long, will not develop and progress because when he doesn't complete the payment his good luck will already be gone.

I think Homi Malaysia was very cruel to do that to me, he corrupted just 150 ringgit, this business will slowly but surely go bankrupt if he corrupts influencers' money.

I have wasted my time and energy collaborating with homi malaysia, making 13 videos was not easy.

I can only pray and hope that Homi Malaysia, who corrupted my money, his products not sold out on the market until he pays my dues, Homi Malaysia really has no manners, doesn't pay but uses my videos on his Instagram account, I will not collaborate again with evil brands like Homi Malaysia . said Liu tsai_qin

#ulikesingaporescammer #youthstodayscammer #partipostmyscammmer #tnbscammer #homiemalysiascammer