Minggu, 28 Januari 2024

What you should prepare for the GREAT SALE 

 What you should prepare for the GREAT SALE • season.

Satu bulan Midnite SALE, diskon besar-besaran di hampir setiap pusat perbelanjaan!!! Yuk, mari!!

apa Anda warga ibukota Jakarta, pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan yang namanya Jakarta Great Sale. Yup event tahunan yang biasanya dimulai dari  pertengahan bulan Juni hingga bulan Juli ini biasa digelar hampir semua pusat perbelanjaan di kota Jakarta.

Dan untuk Anda yang hobby berbelanja bersiaplah untuk menemukan dan mendapatkan barang barang yang Anda incar selama ini. Tapi sebelum memulai pencarian tersebut, mungkin ada baiknya Anda memperhatikan beberapa tips berikut

1 Good Hairstyle Good Mood

Tahu dong bagaimana rasanya bad hair day. Nah biar mood selalu OK sama shopping pastikan tatanan rambut Anda akan bikin Anda PD seharian untuk jalan-jalan keliling pusat perbelanjaan, Biar lebih pd lagi gunakan selalu Styling Cream yang akan senantiasa menjaga tatanan rambut Anda selalu OK

2 Casual

Pilihlah baju yang nyaman dan gak ribet, Ingat Anda mungkin akan berkali kali masuk ruang ganti untuk mencoba pakalan Simple short dress atau short and t-shin, why not?

3. Hat shoes or Snicker

Bicara soal nyaman, pastikan juga sepatu atau sandal yang akan Anda kenakan tidak akan mencederai kaki indah Anda Yang namanya berbelanja, pasti akan membuat Anda lupa waktu bukan?

4. More Water

Asik belanja boleh saja tapi juga kesehatan penting, karenanya pastikan selalu ada botol air minum dalam tas Anda, jangan sampai Anda dehidrasi seharian lupa minum

5 Watch your Bag

Sesuaikanlah tas Anda dengan gaya berpakaian pilihlah tas yang kiranya tidak akan merepitkan anda dan gunakanlah tas yang tidak cepat membuat bahu ataupun tangan anda leĺah.

My restaurant has become increasingly busy with customers since using influencer services


A restaurant owner in Melaka admitted that his business was very quiet, in one day only one customer came, sometimes there were no customers at all.

Then he met a man who was eating at his restaurant, they had a very friendly conversation.

The restaurant owner said that his restaurant business was very slow, then the man suggested using the services of influencers to advertise his restaurant.

The restaurant owner started searching on Google to find the right influencer to advertise his restaurant and found the name of the influencer .Liu tsai_qin

He then contacted the influencer via Instagram DM, expressing his wishes.

"At first I was hesitant to use this influencer's services, this influencer asked me to send him some of the best dishes from my restaurant and send a video/photo of the name of my restaurant.

A few days later my restaurant was suddenly busy with visitors. Liu tsai_qin didn't even ask for a cent, instead she prayed that my restaurant would be busier but I wasn't comfortable if I didn't pay her so I transferred RM500."

Kamis, 25 Januari 2024

Liu Tsai_qin, a famous influencer in Malaysia, admitted that she was scammed by Homi Malaysia

Liu Tsai_qin, a well-known influencer in Malaysia, admitted that she had been lied to by many influencer marketers, many brands and people who claimed to be influencer agents such as Homi Malaysia.

Yes HomiMalaysia didn't pay me RM150 after I finished the campaign, at that time Homi Malaysia contacted me via Instagram DM stating that he wanted to collaborate with me, he would send me his product, a vacuum cleaner.

He asked me to make 13 videos without editing, after I finished all the videos, he didn't pay me for the videos I sent, until this news came out, my videos were still on his Instagram account @homimalaysia

The Video

I leave all this to God, I believe that a business full of fraud like what Homi Malaysia is doing will not last long, will not develop and progress because when he doesn't complete the payment his good luck will already be gone.

I think Homi Malaysia was very cruel to do that to me, he corrupted just 150 ringgit, this business will slowly but surely go bankrupt if he corrupts influencers' money.

I have wasted my time and energy collaborating with homi malaysia, making 13 videos was not easy.

I can only pray and hope that Homi Malaysia, who corrupted my money, his products not sold out on the market until he pays my dues, Homi Malaysia really has no manners, doesn't pay but uses my videos on his Instagram account, I will not collaborate again with evil brands like Homi Malaysia . said Liu tsai_qin

#ulikesingaporescammer #youthstodayscammer #partipostmyscammmer #tnbscammer #homiemalysiascammer

Liu Tsai_qin, a famous influencer in Malaysia, admitted that she was scammed by Partipost Malaysia.

Liu Tsai_qin, a well-known influencer in Malaysia, admitted that she had been lied to by several influencer marketers, several brands and people who claimed to be influencer agents such as partipost Malaysia.

Yes, partipost didn't pay me after I finished all the campaigns, maybe 8 campaigns, for reasons that are unclear, unreasonable and illogical.

I think the brands have paid, but partipost Malaysia didn't pay the money to me, maybe they shared the money with their friends.

I couldn't do anything about it, the money wasn't that much but partipost malaysia very cruelly did that to me, 8 campaigns maybe around 200 ringgit.

I have wasted my time and energy for months on 8 campaigns, until I rejected many campaigns from other brands.

I can only pray and hope that the partipost elements who corrupted my money will be fired from partipost malaysia and will not be accepted to work anywhere else, they should apologize to me, they are very racial in selecting influencers. said Liu tsai_qin

#ulikesingaporescammer #youthstodayscammer #partipostmyscammmer #tnbscammer #homiemalysiascammer

Rabu, 24 Januari 2024

Liu Tsai_qin, a famous influencer in Malaysia, admitted that she was scammed by youthstoday.com Malaysia

Liu Tsai_qin, a well-known influencer in Malaysia, admitted that she had been lied to by many influencer marketers, many brands and people who claimed to be influencer agents such as youthstoday.com.

Yes youthstoday.com didn't pay me after I finished the campaign, at that time Vivianne youthstoday.com contacted me via Instagram DM, she congratulated me that I was selected for the anmum campaign.

She sent a comment which I had to copy and paste on anmum Facebook page, after that I had to send a screenshot of proof that I had commented there.

after all the orders vivianne youthstoday.com i did, suddenly she disappeared and deleted all her messages on Instagram without a clear, reasonable and logical reason, to avoid paying for the campaign I had done.

Finally I sent an email to youthstoday.com to delete my account at youthstoday.com because I couldn't cooperate with agents who were scammers.

Then suddenly Muhammad Irfan youthstoday.com WhatsApp me, I was happy because I thought he brought happy news, "deleting my youthstoday.com account", apparently not, instead he defended Vivianne and bullied me by sending laughing emojis in every WhatsApp he sent. He thought himself a wise man.

I think the youthstoday.com site is very bad, there are no instructions on how to delete influencer membership there.

I can't do anything about it, the money isn't that much but youthstoday.com was very cruel to do that to me, she only corrupted the money for only 10 ringgit, people like them won't be successful if they corrupt influencers' money .

I have wasted my time and energy by serving two people who have no manners.

I can only pray and hope that the people at youthstoday.com who corrupted my money will be fired from youthstoday.com and will not be accepted to work anywhere else, it would be in vain if Vivianne apologized to me, I will not cooperate with the evil people who are under their wing. under youthstoday.com. said Liu tsai_qin

#ulikesingaporescammer #youthstodayscammer #partipostmyscammmer #tnbscammer #homiemalysiascammer

Jumat, 19 Januari 2024

Ajaib betul, elektrik terputus sejak 2016, tiba-tiba tahun 2022 bil elektrik penduduk emas ini meningkat setiap bulan.


Seorang penduduk emas yang sakit, Jiran berkata dia gila, hidup sangat miskin dan bersendirian di Malaysia, tidak mampu membayar elektrik dan air mulai 2016.

Sejak itu bekalan elektrik dan air terputus. Ketika itu, masih belum ada kenaikan bil air dan elektrik, tetapi yang mengejutkan, pada tahun 2022 ini, bil elektrik penduduk Emas ini akan meningkat setiap bulan, wow...

mujur bil airnya tidak naik, setiap hari mengharapkan hujan untuk mendapatkan air, ada yang cuba menghantar surat ke tnbcareline, meminta bantuan untuk membuat pemeriksaan di rumah penduduk emas ini, kenapa bilnya naik ajaib. pada tahun 2022 walaupun bekalan elektrik telah diputuskan oleh tnb dari tahun 2016.

Surat itu dijawab oleh orang yang berbeza, setiap kali dijawab oleh orang yang berbeza, pelapor itu harus memberitahu dari awal masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk emas ini.

Jawapan orang jahat ini (Suhaira, Dhruva, Noraiman, Jaidi Ampalus, Danial Haikal) sungguh menyakitkan hati dan tidak berperikemanusiaan, mereka memberikan jawapan yang sama iaitu akaun tnb masih aktif dan menyuruh orang emas datang ke kedai tnb. untuk menyelesaikan semua pembayaran. Jadi dengan apa dia membayar? 

Bil elektrik penduduk emas ini menggunakan nama arwah bapanya, dia sudah tidak berkeluarga, sejak ayahnya meninggal dunia, dia sangat daif dan keadaan rumahnya sangat menyedihkan, berbau busuk, kotor dan membimbangkan, dia tidak tahu. apa nak buat dengan bil selain minta belas kasihan.kawan tolong bayar,

This is how Tenaga Nasional Berhad treats gold citizens unfairly


A sickly gold resident, neighbors said he was crazy, lived very poor and alone in Malaysia, unable to pay for electricity and water since 2016.

since then his electricity and water have been cut off. At that time, there was still no increase in his water and electricity bill.

But surprisingly, in 2022 this Gold resident's electricity bill was increasing every month, fortunately his water bill did not increase.

Every day he hoped that it would rain to get water, someone was trying to send a letter to tnbcareline, ask for help to carry out an inspection at this resident of Emas's house, why is the bill miraculously inflated in 2022 even though the electricity has been cut off by tnb since 2016.

But the answer from these bad and evil people (Suhaira, Dhruva, Noraiman, Jaidi Ampalus, Danial Haikal) is truly heartbreaking and being inhumane, they gave the same answer, namely telling the gold people to come to the tb shop to complete the payment. So what should he pay with?

This golden resident's electricity bill uses the name of his late father, he no longer has a family, since his father died, he is very poor and the condition of his house is very pathetic, smelly, dirty and worrying, he doesn't know what to do with the bill other than asking for mercy. friend to help pay,

Cara Tenaga Nasional Berhad Memperlakukan Warga Emas

 Warga emas yang sakit-sakitan, Para tetangga mengatakan dia gila, hidup sangat miskin dan sendirian di Malaysia, tidak mampu membayar listrik dan air dari tahun 2016.

sejak saat itu listrik dan airnya padam. Rekening air dan listriknya saat itu tetap tidak ada penambahan, namun mengejutkan, di tahun 2022 tagihan listrik warga Emas ini setiap bulannya semakin meningkat. 

untung tagihan airnya tidak bertambah, setiap hari dia berharap datang hujan untuk mendapatkan air, seseorang berusaha mengirimkan surat ke tnbcareline, minta tolong dilakukan pemeriksaan ke rumah warga emas ini, kenapa tagihannya secara ajaib di tahun 2022 membengkak padahal listrik sudah diputus oleh tnb dari 2016 .

Surat dibalas oleh orang yang berbeda-beda, setiap dijawab oleh orang yang berbeda maka pelapor harus menceritakan dari awal permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh warga emas ini.

Jawaban dari orang-orang jahat ini (Suhaira, Dhruva, Noraiman, Jaidi Ampalus, Danial Haikal) sungguh menyakitkan hati dan tidak berperikemanusiaan, mereka memberikan jawaban yang sama yaitu akun tnb masih aktif dan menyuruh warga emas datang ke kedai tnb untuk menyelesaikan semua pembayaran. Lantas dengan apa dia harus membayar ? 

Tagihan listrik warga emas ini, menggunakan nama mendiang ayahnya, dia sudah tidak mempunyai keluarga lagi, semenjak ayahnya meninggal, dia sangat miskin dan kondisi rumahnya sangat mengenaskan, bau, kotor dan memprihatinkan, dia tidak tahu harus berbuat apa dengan tagihan itu selain meminta kemurahan hati temannya untuk membantu membayar, 

Senin, 01 Januari 2024


 Someone who has changed the lives of many people in Malaysia for the better is Liu, she is a quite famous influencer in Malaysia.

She has received many campaigns, previously many people did not know about good products & were always deceived every time they bought products both online and offline. Because they are easily tempted by the false advertisements that appear on their dashboard. 

The followers who follow this influencer are really lucky, the quality of her content is very simple, not as good and professional as other celebrities and influencers,.

All she uploads is a photo, not a video with a duration of hours, but the way she conveys all the campaigns to the audience is very good compared to others celebrities and other influencers who prioritize quality and are crazy about applying excessive makeup on their face.

Liu able to convince the audience to buy the products on her profile, Liu patiently answer all the audience's questions. She has her own and unique style in sharing campaigns. 

What companies or brands need is not the quality of an influencer's content but the way the influencer conveys it to the audience. 

Her rate card is only RM50 per photo, so why would you pay a celebrity or influencer a fortune for a video just because of the quality of the content, when none of your products have been sold since then, don't let your company slowly go bankrupt because of the content, come on, click here to connect with Liu

As a influencer, Liu currently has 41.1K followers on Instagram. Liu is a popular Chinese Influencer, Liu is the top influencer in Malaysia, Liu is The biggest influencers in Malaysia.

LIU is TOP 20 on Instagram and Tiktok, Liu is the Chinese girl famous on Instagram. Liu is the travel influencer in Malaysia, Liu is the Korean influencer in Malaysia, Liu is the biggest celebrity in Malaysia.

Liu is the most famous influencer, Liu is the number one TikTok in Malaysia, Liu has the most followers on Facebook in Malaysia, How much do Malaysian influencers earn? RM50 per photo, many influencers in Malaysia.

Liu is Blogger malaysia terkenal, Famous Nutritionist in Malaysia, Liu is Malaysian Instagram models, Liu was the first influencer on Instagram, Liu is Adult influencer.

#ulikesingaporescammer #youthstodayscammer #partipostmyscammmer #tnbscammer #homiemalysiascammer

Kamis, 23 November 2023

Pesugihan Fetuses Under 6 Months Old

Sorry, I'm not a shaman, but this really happens in Indonesia.

Be careful if you meet strangers or your neighbors. If one of them asks about your pregnancy, it's best not to answer.

As much as possible be silent or answer 'not pregnant' because nowadays there are lots of "pesugihan" and the "victims" are fetuses under 6 months old.

It is said that those who ask about your pregnancy will become rich, while pregnant women who are asked will lose their fetus. 

Because the questioner uses it as a sacrifice to get rich quickly, in several villages in Indonesia, this often happens every month. this is not a myth, this is about black magic.

Still believe it or not, but I experienced this. My fetus suddenly disappeared after that incident.

Two months before the incident, my parents had forbidden me from traveling before sunset.

But because there was a need, I ended up going anyway. On the way I met a wrinkled grandmother walking. She stopped my motorbike, asked to be taken somewhere.

I didn't have any strange thoughts, in the end I helped her. Grandma was very friendly, asking how many months pregnant I was, gender and so on. I really enjoy being asked about my pregnancy.

  I finally asked the grandmother where she lived, but she didn't answer and just asked to be dropped off on a very quiet street.

As far as I know, it's a dead end street and there aren't any houses there. Grandma chuckled and asked to come down, so I got down.

I arrived home quite late, my husband asked where I had been. I'll just explain what happened to me just now.

A week after dropping off the grandmother, I often had headaches and had constant spotting. Because I was afraid, I finally went to the doctor.

Shocked, sad, goosebumps and feeling confused when the doctor said my pregnancy was empty, the medical term for it was blighted ovum.

My husband and family were also shocked, everyone blamed me for not being able to take care of my pregnancy and instead traveling a lot when I was pregnant.